2.5. Multipath Propagation
3. Transmission Lines
3.1. Characteristics and Reflection Coefficient
We can describe a section of TL using a distributed model:
We have the following equations:
v(z) – v(z+Δz) = rΔzi + LΔz ∂i/∂t, i(z) – i(z+Δz) = gΔzv + CΔz ∂v/∂t,
hence -∂v/∂z = ri + L ∂i/∂t, -∂i/∂t = gv + C ∂v/∂t.
For sinusoidal excitation ejωt, replace i and v by phasors
∂V/∂z = -(r+jωL)I, ∂I/∂z = -(g+jωC)V, we obtain
∂2V/∂z2 = γ2V, ∂2I/∂z2 = γ2I, where γ = √[(r+jωL)(g+jωC)] = α+jβ.
γ is called propagation constant, α is called attenuation constant, and β is called phase constant.
Solving the wave equation yields
V = V+e-γz + V–eγz, I = I+e-γz – I–eγz, with I± = V±/Z0, Z0 = √[(r+jωL)/(g+jωC)] is called characteristic impedance.
Low-Loss TL
In many cases the losses due to r and g are small and negligible, i.e., α<<β, so γ≈jβ,
Z0 ≈ √(L/C), β ≈ ω√(LC),
V = V+e-jβz + V–ejβz, I = (V+/Z0)e-jβz – (V–/Z0)ejβz,
restoring the harmonic-time dependence ejωt to the phasors:
V(z,t) = V+ej(ωt-βz) + V–ej(ωt+βz), I(z,t) = (V+/Z0)ej(ωt-βz) – (V–/Z0)ej(ωt+βz), where
ej(ωt-βz) represents a +z (incident) wave, ej(ωt+βz) represents a -z (reflected) wave.
For constant phase in +z propagation, ωt – βz = constant, ω – β ∂z/∂t = 0. ∂z/∂t = vp is phase velocity.
vp = ω/β = 1/√(LC) = fλ, β = ω/vp = 2π/λ.
For a lossless line, ∂P/∂z = 0. For a lossy line, ∂P/∂z = -(1/2)(g|V|2 + r|I|2).
Reflection Coefficient Γ
At the load, or z=0, ΓL = V–/V+,
VL = V++V– = V+(1+ΓL), IL = I+-I– = (V+/Z0)(1-ΓL);
ZL = VL/IL = Z0(1+ΓL)/(1-ΓL), ΓL = (ZL-Z0)/(ZL+Z0);
Zin(z) = V/I = Z0(V+e-jβz + V–ejβz)/(V+e-jβz – V–ejβz) = Z0(1 + ΓLe2jβz)/(1 – ΓLe2jβz),
Γ(z) = ΓLej2βz, which is periodic with period λ/2, Γin(-l) = ΓLe-j2βl.
ΓL = 0 if load is matched to line (ZL = Z0), which indicates no reflection;
ΓL = +1 if load is open, which indicates total positive reflection;
ΓL = -1 if load is shorted, which indicates total negative reflection.
Zin(z) = Z0(ZL – jZ0tanβz)/(Z0 – jZLtanβz).
For a matched line (ZL = Z0), Zin(-l) = Z0;
For a λ/4 line, βl = π/2, Zin(-l) = Z02/ZL, this line is called Z-transformer;
For a shorted line ZL = 0, Zin(-l) = jZ0tanβl;
For an open line ZL = ∞, Zin(-l) = -jZ0cotβl.
Standing Waves Ratio (SWR)
V = V+e-jβz + V–ejβz, |V| = |V++V–e2jβz|
At z = z0 = nπ/β, Vmax = |V+| + |V–|, Imin = |V+/Z0| – |V–/Z0|, Zmax = Z0(1+|Γ|)/(1-|Γ|);
at z = z0 ± λ/4, Vmin = |V+| – |V–|, Imax = |V+/Z0| + |V–/Z0|, Zmin = Z0(1-|Γ|)/(1+|Γ|).
We define the SWR as a measure of Z-mismatch:
SWR = Vmax/Vmin = (1+|Γ|)/(1-|Γ|).
For a matched line, SWR = 1;
For a shorted or open line, SWR = ∞.
For a general case of partial reflection, V(z) = V+(1-ΓL)e-jβz+2ΓLV+cosβz
V(z,t) = V+(1-ΓL)ej(ωt-βz) + 2ΓLV+cos(βz)ejωt, which consists of a propagating wave and a standing wave, and the standing wave is proportional to ΓL.
|Γ| = (SWR – 1)/(SWR + 1)
Power Flow in a TL
Maximum Power Transfer MPT: Z-Matching at Both Ends
Input: for max Pin, Zin = ZG*, where Zin = Z0(ZL+jZ0tanβl)/(Z0+jZLtanβl);
Output: for max PL, Zout = ZL*, where Zout = Z0(ZG+jZ0tanβl)/(Z0+jZGtanβl).
Transmission Coefficient TL
The counterpart of the reflection coefficient is the transmission coefficient:
V(0) = V+ + V– = TL*V+, TL = 1 + V–/V+ = 1 + ΓL.
Mismatch Losses
Return Loss RL
RL measures the reflection fraction of incident power,
RL(dB) = -10log(P–/P+), where incident power P+ = |V+|2/(2Z0), reflected power P– = |V–|2/(2Z0),
hence RL = – 10log|Γ|2 = -20log|Γ|.
Insertion Loss IL
IL measures the transmitted fraction of incident power,
IL(dB) = -10log(Pt/P+) = -10log(1 – P–/P+),
hence IL = -10log(1-|Γ|2) is positive.
For matched load, ΓL = 0, RL = ∞ dB, IL = 0 dB;
For open/short load, ΓL = ±1, RL = 0 dB, IL = ∞ dB.